That’s a lovely idea. Playing with that as a metaphor a little more, in pre-industrial Europe, thatched cottages did not have smoke holes. Thatch is permeable, and so the smoke would rise through the whole roof, sterilising it of any nastiness.

Perhaps it’s not about letting god or the divine in through one space. Perhaps it is about allowing the smoke to seep out of us constantly and to let it clean ua of all the bad things that can start to grow.

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Mythology is truly powerful. Thank you for bringing this to Substack's light.

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This analogy is so true, you just have to look at the malicious vapour monsters that are distorting people’s perceptions of each other, society and most importantly themselves!

Thanks you!!

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Empiricism closed our minds to the miraculous, made us demand tangible evidence. Empiricism closed the intellectual smoke-hole. This is a great and useful analogy. Thank you!

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Yes. Dr Martin Shaw writes beautifully. A book well worth reading. It’s mainly a mythic reflection on the COVID Lockdowns.

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