[Aesop told many fables. They were short stories which were used to teach wisdom. Jesus spoke in a parables and they have a similar feel to the Fables. So I decided to mash them together and produced a series of stories where Jesus tells Aesop’s Fables as though they were His parables.]
When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9 v 36)
He then told them a story about a flock of sheep.
“One early morning, before the shepherd had awoken, they decided to leave him. They despised him as he told them where to go and stopped them from exploring. They felt caged and wanted to be free.”
Jesus pointed to a nearby enclosure and continued, “As they left the sheep pen, the dogs followed on behind. They travelled over several hills and valleys and eventually met a pack of wolves.”
Jesus paused as He could see the concern on the faces of the people in the crowd.
“Initially, the flock were worried”, He continued the tale, “Especially as the dogs kept barking warnings about the wolves. But as the wolves had not attacked the sheep, they became less concerned.”
“After a time, the wolves sent an emissary, who petitioned the sheep to remove the dogs. They were too noisy and were threatening their young cubs. The sheep without fear, sent the dogs away”, Jesus raise his right hand westward.
He slowly dropped His hand and said, “The next morning, the sheep had been killed by the wolves.”
He stood up and pronounced to all those listening, “Do not be a sheep without a shepherd. You will be lost. Instead, choose a shepherd, and choose the Good Shepherd. For He is the only one who will truly care for you and protect you”
Good theme for presenting a new way to look at Jesus' parables. I'd go 50/50 on publishing a collection or a series of children's books in a flash! I might even be able to contribute something to the effort.