Genesis 5 Part 13: Kenan, Mahalalel and Jared
This post will look at the 4th, 5th and 6th generation from Adam; Kenan, Mahalalel and Jared.
Kenan, the Fourth Generation
His name means ‘possession’. This Hebrew word’s origin comes from the word for ‘spear’ or mournful chanting.
In Jewish astronomy, Mars is called the ‘red one’. This makes sense as it is also known as the Red Planet.
When I look at Mars in the night sky, I could imagine a spear has pierced it and blood is forming in the wound. And make it look red.
If we take the number of days it takes Mars to orbit the Sun and divide it by thd age Kenan was at his death (910), we get a fraction of 3/4. This means in the Saturnian Year, Mars completes 16 orbits of the Sun.
Mahalalel, the Fifth Generation
His name means to ‘boast in God’ or ‘praise of God’. Venus is the brightest star and so boasts or sings about God.
It is interesting that both Mahalalel and Kenan have names which are connected with singing. After all, singing and praising God is an important role for an angel.
Venus orbits the Sun every 225 days. If this is divided by the age at which Mahalelel dies, we get a fraction of 1/4. This means every 1/12 Saturn travels around the circle, Venus orbits the Sun 4 times.
Jared, the Sixth Generation
His name means ‘descend’. And if we look at the Genesis 5 astronomical clock, we see Jupiter spirals down to the middle. It descends towards the Earth and the 1st Heaven.
The ratio we get when we divide the number of days for Jupiter to orbit the Sun and the lifespan of Jared, we get 4 1/2. So the time that Jupiter travels around the Sun is the same as 4 1/2 Saturnian zodiac periods.
As we can see, this wheel appears to predict the position of the planets up to thirty years in advance. I suspect it’s not that accurate, but what would we expect of an ancient culture without our technology.
The next post will discuss Enoch, Methusaleh, Lamech and Noah.