Genesis 11: Part 5 Eclipses - Solar and Lunar
Both Solar and Lunar eclipse data is in the Genesis 11 genealogical data.
Solar Eclipse Data
A solar eclipse is when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. Sometimes the eclipse is ‘total’ and appears to cover the whole of the Sun, but most of the time they are ‘partial’ eclipses.
It appears that solar eclipses regular occur in the Middle East at certain intervals, 886, 1,033, 1,388 or 2,776 days. These vary, sometimes it is 886 days and then an eclipse and sometimes the interval will be 2,776 days.
This is how we can calculate those numbers using the Genesis 11 genealogy.
1,388 days:
1,033 days:
886 days:
2,776 days:
I believe the ancient person could be able to predict the solar eclipses using this information.
Lunar Eclipse Data
As with the Solar eclipse, there is Lunar eclipse data too. Lunar eclipses are when the earth goes between the Sun and the moon. They tend to repeat at 353, 178, 129 or 30 day intervals.
When looking for the data, I found Nahor’s name might give me a clue. It means ‘snorting of a horse’. This is a strange name as all the other names of the patriarchs have helped to interpret the numbers. How could this name help? So I started to think about a horse snorting. I realised the two spots on the Moon, thought to be the eyes of the Man in the Moon, could be the nostrils of a snorting horse.
This would mean all the Lunar eclipse data would be near Nahor in the genealogy. Below is how I calculated it from the data.
178 days:
129 days:
353 days:
Again, by using this information an ancient person could predict when the Lunar eclipses could occur.
This is the end of this series on Genesis 11. We will now start a new series and begin to look at the Hebrew Zodiac.