I recently finished a series on the 7 Deadly Sins over at my Tower of Adam newsletter.
While working on the series, I wrote this short story. And I thought I’d publish it here.
I hope you enjoy the read.
Cain and the Little Demon
Cain slowly walked back to his home. The dust was clinging to his sandal-less feet, trying to drag him into the ground. The scent of storm clouds gathering in the distance was in the air. And his heart was downcast.
The Word of the Lord was rattling around his mind. All his thoughts were echoing with what the Lord said to him. His fists were clenched white in anger. The seed of jealousy growing in his heart. He was envious towards his brother.
As he came to the threshold of his house, he saw a little demon. It was crouching down, hiding like a house cat.
This was unsurprising. For at this time, there were many spiritual beings who moved openly on the Earth. Both fair and foul. Both truthful and deceptive.
The demon smiled. Cain said in an angry tone, ‘What do you want?’
The demon broadened his smile into a grin and replied, “You are right to be angry. What the Lord, the Creator of All Things, demands is too great for any human. The truth is, He only gives acceptance to those He favours. He is as fickle as the sea”
It continued, “Nothing you did was wrong. It was the Lord, the One Beyond Existence, unfairly showing favour to Abel”
The demon shifted closer to Cain and spoke in a hushed tone, “You asked, ‘What do I want?’. I will tell you what I want. I want fairness for you. I want you to be happy. I want you to take your revenge.”
He paused and then slowly said “The truth is, I want you”.
Silence hung in the air like a dead man. Cain stood up and looked back towards the Table of Sacrifice. The words of the little spirit began rattling around his soul.
Cain looked down to the demon sitting in the dirt. He said, ‘What is your name little one?’
The little demon proudly said, “I am a Rabishu. And my name is Sin.”
Cain smiled. And began striding towards his brother’s home.